store | W3ref


July 4, 2022Меньше 1 минуты


You can use $store to conveniently access global Alpine stores registered using For example:

<button x-data @click="$store.darkMode.toggle()">Toggle Dark Mode</button>


<div x-data :class="$store.darkMode.on && 'bg-black'">

    document.addEventListener('alpine:init', () => {'darkMode', {
            on: false,

            toggle() {
                this.on = ! this.on

Given that we've registered the darkMode store and set on to "false", when the <button> is pressed, on will be "true" and the background color of the page will change to black.

Single-value stores

If you don't need an entire object for a store, you can set and use any kind of data as a store.

Here's the example from above but using it more simply as a boolean value:

<button x-data @click="$store.darkMode = ! $store.darkMode">Toggle Dark Mode</button>


<div x-data :class="$store.darkMode && 'bg-black'">

    document.addEventListener('alpine:init', () => {'darkMode', false)

→ Read more about Alpine stores