Installation | W3ref


July 4, 2022Меньше 1 минуты


There are 2 ways to include Alpine into your project:

  • Including it from a <script> tag
  • Importing it as a module

Either is perfectly valid. It all depends on the project's needs and the developer's taste.

From a script tag

This is by far the simplest way to get started with Alpine. Include the following <script> tag in the head of your HTML page.


    <script defer src=""></script>

Don't forget the "defer" attribute in the <script> tag.

Notice the @3.x.x in the provided CDN link. This will pull the latest version of Alpine version 3. For stability in production, it's recommended that you hardcode the latest version in the CDN link.

<script defer src=""></script>

That's it! Alpine is now available for use inside your page.

As a module

If you prefer the more robust approach, you can install Alpine via NPM and import it into a bundle.

Run the following command to install it.

npm install alpinejs

Now import Alpine into your bundle and initialize it like so:

import Alpine from 'alpinejs'

window.Alpine = Alpine


The window.Alpine = Alpine bit is optional, but is nice to have for freedom and flexibility. Like when tinkering with Alpine from the devtools for example.

If you imported Alpine into a bundle, you have to make sure you are registering any extension code IN BETWEEN when you import the Alpine global object, and when you initialize Alpine by calling Alpine.start().

→ Read more about extending Alpine